Monday, March 25, 2013


There is nothing,
Nothing inside my head,
Where there once was colour, words,
No dread.
My mind is only empty,
Nothing here,
No sound,
There is no inspiration,
There is nothing,
That, is no doubt.
Where did all of my brilliant words go?
My songs, my stories!
Why is there no laughter?
All I can do is fight,
Fight for what I had,
For that thing that died inside,
That detail that fell,
Behind my books, behind my chairs.
Perhaps when I am happy again,
My talents will come back,
But for now,
With this fog,
I turn in circles,
And do not return.
-Merrie xox

She fell...

And so it was she fell,
She fell from her perch,
Upon that cliff,
Down into those dark foreboding waves,
Those waves have nasty teeth,
That devour all that fall,
 Like she did from that cliff,
Upon her perch,
Where she watched all.

Tonight you hear her cries,
For everything she lost,
Everything she watched,
Was left alone,
When it was she fell,
Fell off from her perch,
Upon that cliff.
She left all those she loved,
All to fend for themselves,
All because she fell,
Fell off from her perch,
Her perch upon the cliff.

-Merrie xox