Wednesday, March 28, 2012


DAY THREE: So far our TRA trip to Fiji has been very successful with lots of different experiences on the way. One of our main focuses this week is attending the five-day pacific media summit at the Lagoon Resort hosted by PINA (Pacific Islands News Association), which is about building healthy and responsible pacific media culture. This includes a variety of different organisations that support the workshops such as ONOC (Oceania National Olympic Committee). Today at the conference, TRA had a two-hour presentation that we presented to the delegates about who we are, what we do, what we can offer to the youth of the Pacific and about the athlete profiles we are creating ahead of the London 2012 Olympics. We spent all of Monday night and afternoon preparing for the presentation. Each of us had our own individual role of what we had to present at the summit.
We were very busy that day leading up to Tuesday where we arrived at the summit early enough to have a rehearsal before presenting. As we went through the presentation I think everyone enjoyed it. Besides giving an oral presentation, we showcased our content of videos from past projects like Sports Without Borders and artists in residence. It was great to discuss with everyone about what they think of The Reporters’ Academy. Later that night we returned to the resort for the Pacific Media Summit’s opening ceremony dinner, which was great. The food and the entertainment were amazing. The Prime Minster of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama also attended this event, which was fantastic. TRA was able to get a photo with him. By the end of the night, we had had an amazing day and we are looking forward to the opportunities that are to come.
-Merrie xox

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