Friday, May 25, 2012


I drew these, can't say I'm any good, but I think they're sweet. 

 A couple in a boat.
 The three wise sisters
 Owl, or Wol as I like to call them.
 The seed...
 The tree that grew from the seed.
Actual size. 
-Merrie xox

Roshin-Sneak Peak!

This is a new story that I am writing and this is just a TINY sneak peak. Enjoy! 

Alright, so my name is Roshin Harrison and I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be anywhere, but in my garage listening to my music up loud, ruining my eardrums and playing the air guitar in my skinny’s and black band label T-shirts. Yes I wear dark eye-make up, yes I act like more of a guy than a girl, yes I spit, fart and run around town at night time, get over it. Yes I drink; yes I have tried drugs and smoking, not quite my scene, but still exciting. Get over it. Yes I am depressed; yes I go out with guys older than me. And yes I have had sex before and I am fifteen years old. Get over it. Doesn’t mean I am a slut or that I have done something wrong, just misjudged is all. Get over it. I am me and although you may think that I’m putting on an act, I’m not, this is just how I am and I’m sure I will eventually grow out of it, but if I don’t, then it’s my problem, not yours. Get. Over. It!  

-Merrie xox

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Treasured Tales' For Young Adults
Treasured Tales For Young Adults

Check this blog out it is really good! Great if you love books as much as me!
-Merrie xox